Do you feel Broken, Silenced, and Like a Nobody?
secure your scholarship FOR
In Just Two Weeks, Begin to Feel Whole and Like Yourself Again
feeling heard as you set foot on a proven, reliable, trusted path to
Effortless Renewal
"You are an unusually good and compassionate listener. Before meeting you, I'd not felt heard or understood in a really long time."
~ PMT, Baltimore, MD
Hi I’m your practitioner
I've lived the transformation I now guide others through. My journey began with hiding much of who I really was to make it through longterm childhood sexual abuse. When I committed to therapy years later, I learned what it was like to be fully heard and accepted. I've come to highly value these rare gifts of listening well and accepting completely, and now offer these to others.
Twenty years of therapy gave me a lot of healing, but I still didn't really know myself. Yet just 3 months after I began working with an Organic Intelligence® practitioner. I felt fully myself for the first time. And just 9 months in, I felt deeply whole, something I'd never imagined could be. These experiences fuel my passion to help others as a Certified Organic Intelligence practitioner. I understand the depth of the challenge and the immense joy of healing. I've walked this path myself.
When you work with me, you'll be fully heard and completely accepted. And your own inner system will do all the healing legwork, rebuilding the broken from within. I've made the journey from shadow to light. And I offer deep hope, encouragement, and certainty that you too can reach wholeness and be yourself. Without even trying.
What is
Incredibly unique, Organic Intelligence works directly with your inner body-mind system to help it realize the past is passed, and let go of trade-offs it made to get you through the most difficult times.
When this happens, your inner system starts rebuilding the broken and does all the healing legwork for you.. Rebuilding often frees formerly blocked pathways, so your inner system spreads positive healing changes along each of these, and everything connected to them. This healing legwork spreads as far and wide as possible, for even days and weeks after a session.
Since your inner body-mind system is most able to realize the past is passed when you're not consciously exerting effort, we chat about whatever you feel like in our sessions. Because this maximizes your healing.
Your inner body-mind system knows the way. Each time your system realizes the past is passed, and rebuilds another part, you feel more like yourself, you experience growing wholeness, and more. All without even trying.
Since Organic Intelligence, it is much, much easier to deal with and navigate the many rapid changes that can happen during the day, and it is also much, much easier to function, and function well, in the fast pace. The overwhelm I used to feel is now almost nonexistent, and any stress is much more easily recognized and effectively handled."
~ CL, Laurel, Maryland
Your $97 Scholarship Includes
Two 60-min Effortless Renewal Sessions ~ and because we want you to experience the very best progress possible, your Sessions will be exactly customized by your own inner body-mind system.
For your ultimate peace of mind, you'll have unlimited e-mail access to Lisa for any questions or concerns: from the time of your purchase until 1 month after your second Effortless Renewal Session. Lisa will always answer within 24 hours of receipt, and often much sooner.
Once you've completed your two Scholarship Sessions, you will have an exclusive opportunity to purchase six additional Effortless Renewal Sessions at a discounted price of half off the regular package price.
~ Hippocrates
~ SW, Cayman Islands
Our promise? Your peace of mind. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, even after you've finished your Scholarship for Two Effortless Renewal Sessions, we've got you covered. We'll happily give you a full refund.
If you'd really like to take advantage of this one-time scholarship, but you're still not quite sure, these items might answer your questions.
Make sure to check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below. You might find exactly what you're looking for.
In case you're wondering if it's possible to know whether your particular issue will be completely helped by Organic Intelligence, be assured that Organic Intelligence will help. But because of your incredibly unique complexity and experiences, it's not possible to know with certainty whether a particular issue will be completely helped or not (see the FAQ).
It's also not possible to know how long it might take for your particular issue to be completely resolved, for the same uniquely incredible complexity of your body-mind system and experiences (see the FAQ).
Your scholarship sessions are regular Effortless Renewal Sessions, just as if you'd paid full price.
The virtual coffee with Lisa will not include Organic Intelligence, and will not in any way increase the benefits you receive from your two Effortless Renewal Scholarship Sessions.
If you've checked these items, and you're still not quite sure, you're invited to a virtual 60-min coffee with Lisa, where she'll answer whatever concerns you might have.
For your complete peace of mind, lock in your Scholarship before spots run out by making your fully refundable purchase, then just schedule the bonus virtual coffee instead of scheduling your first Session.
If after you've met Lisa for coffee, you decide not to proceed, we'll happily refund your full Scholarship price, no questions asked. And if you do decide to continue with us, you can rest assured that your Scholarship has been secured, and can go on to schedule your first Effortless Renewal Session.
~ Stormie Omartian,
Stormie: A Story of Forgiveness and Healing
~ Germany Kent
We want you to feel completely comfortable with your purchase. Find answers to your questions here.
In a session, we chat about whatever you feel like, while I work directly with your system, at levels so subtle they're not usually noticed.
I generally work virtually. The most progress is possible if you have your camera and your sound on.
No. You just hang out, and we chat about whatever you've got on your mind. If you have specific things you'd like to talk about, I'm happy to hear whatever you share, but your inner system will be working to heal you either way. You can even change the subject multiple times, and take silent breaks. It's up to you.
Your own unique issues may be based in many factors, so only your own inner system really knows if one issue or another is ultimately possible to completely resolve.
Because Organic Intelligence helps your inner system realize the past is passed, and let go of any trade-offs it made to make sure you made it through really difficult experiences, Organic Intelligence will help any issues whose existence is wholly or partially due to trade-offs like this.
If childhood trauma is behind your particular issue, in whole or in part, Organic Intelligence will help. Each trade-off released means more progress towards your very best healing and abilities. And your inner system knows every single next best step to make for your overall best.
And because of the incredible unique complexity of your body-mind system, even if your issue has no childhood trauma relation at all, Organic Intelligence may still help. Because your system is a whole entity, and what helps one part may very well help others.
Your two Scholarship sessions are regular Effortless Renewal Sessions, just as if you'd paid full price.
No. I'm not a therapist, and Organic Intelligence isn't a traditional mental health modality. The only similarity to therapy is two people chatting. That's all. Unless you directly ask me, I don't give advice or make suggestions. Because with Organic Intelligence, your inner body-mind system is doing all the work.
With Organic Intelligence, there's never any requirement to go into painful memories. Yet you're always free to talk about anything you want to.
The more you're following wherever your train of thought leads you, the more relaxed you are, whether you're talking about easy things or difficult.
And the more relaxed you are, the more open your inner body-mind system is to realizing the past is passed and doing its healing legwork for you.
If your freely flowing thoughts encounter a painful area, and you wish to, please freely speak about it. And if not, that's perfectly ok too.
With Organic Intelligence, your own inner body-mind system does the choosing. It knows every nook and cranny of your entire self, and always has your best overall functioning, abilities, and healing in mind whenever it chooses the very next best thing to work on.
As we're chatting along, the tiny little things I'm doing aren't usually even noticed. As we chat, clients usually forget that this work is even happening. The little things I do are just natural seamless parts of our conversation.
Each session is 60 minutes long.
I like to meet once a week, and prefer not to meet less than once every 2 weeks. This spacing gives your body-mind system the time it needs to spread healing as far and wide as possible after rebuilding broken parts, and be ready when the next session happens to rebuild in even more areas.
Since Organic Intelligence is so unique, this 2-Session Scholarship is an easy way for you to try something new and experience some benefits. It will help you know if you'd like to do more.
I usually recommend at least 8 sessions, because the more sessions one does, the more widespread and obvious the changes will be. The changes each person notices depend on their own unique experiences and inner systems.
In 2 sessions, you'll likely notice you're beginning to more easily be yourself, and you're beginning to feel wholeness increasing. You may even notice you've got more capacity for stress, and for getting things done that you used to struggle to do.
Your inner body-mind system knows your every nook and cranny, and always does the very best next thing for you given whatever is going on.
Rebuilding broken parts is so subtle that it's not even consciously noticed, and your inner system goes right to work spreading positive change and healing along every freed up pathway, and everything connected to these. It always knows the next step to give you the very best overall healing and function, and it always prioritizes your best.
Your inner system will spread healing along every newly freed path for as long and as far and as wide as it can, even days or weeks after a session.
So it does all the healing legwork for you, and you notice changes once the inner changes and healing spread large enough to be consciously noticed.
Yet like muscles growing stronger without you noticing, until you happen to do something that used to be harder, the inner healing legwork your system does for you may only be noticed in hindsight.
For example, you might realized at the end of the day that that morning you did that thing you've been unable to do for so long. And you didn't even think about it.
When life's experiences were super difficult, sometimes to get you through, your inner system needed more resources than it had, so it traded off certain pathways in order to use their resources to successfully get you through.
Usually, after a difficult experience is over, your inner system returns any traded-off pathways to normal use. But if difficult experiences were repeated, your system will often have made these trade-offs "permanent."
When you spend time doing things you enjoy, that are healthy and non-addictive, your inner system gets a break, and has more energy for all the tasks it does for you, including spreading more healing for you.
So feel free to take breaks and enjoy yourself. You'll be aiding your inner system's healing work.
There's also another way you can give your inner system a break. During your day, occasionally pause, and let one of your 5 senses "do whatever it wants to do" for just a bit. For instance, let your eyes go wherever they seem to want to go, or let your ears hear whatever they seem to want to hear. Yet only do this when and if it feels comfortable, with whichever of your 5 senses feels comfortable. Because doing it by exerting effort will leave your inner system less extra for its healing spread.
Occasionally a person might feel more weary or tired than usual for a day or to. This can happen if freed up pathways are particularly large and/or need more extensive healing changes. But this isn't typical. If this does happen, it means there's bigger healing going on, so you can help by trying to give yourself whatever extra rest or sleep you seem to need.
With Organic Intelligence, "The job is enjoyment." The truth is that your inner body-mind system is most able to do its work when you're relaxed and making as little conscious effort as possible. So in sessions, we chat, and follow your train of thought, even if it skips all over the place or goes silent. Because that's when your inner system is most relaxed and most able.
Your inner system has a map of every single part of you, and knows exactly how each intricate part works and fits together. Your very best functioning and health is your system's main goal. And its own special intelligence tells it exactly which next steps are the very best for your overall abilities and healing, given the resources it has, and the healing it can see ahead. It may just be rebuilding the very foundation you need to support another consciously noticed advance.
Your system prizes your safety. Because of this, it's kept you going through your life. When it traded out some pathways to have enough to get you through times of extreme need, and they became permanent because the need was repeated, your inner system remembers that this change led to safely getting you through.
Even though time has passed, and these extreme needs aren't likely to happen again - the past is passed, and you're safe now - your inner system doesn't automatically know this. The little things I do to help your system see it's now safe, that the past is passed, are especially subtle, so it realizes, and chooses for itself, that now is safe, that whatever trade-offs it had been keeping permanent are no longer needed. So your inner system decides to rebuild and spread healing change on its own, and does all the healing legwork for you.
During the session, it's not common to notice anything that seems like a change. You might notice a deep sigh, or perhaps warmth or tingling somewhere. These can be positive signs that your inner system is noticing, is doing its work.
But it can take longer for your inner system to spread its healing changes far and wide enough to reach conscious level. Your inner system will keep doing its work for you for days or weeks after a session.
Once an inner change has spread large enough for you to consciously notice, like not noticing your muscles getting stronger until you happen to use them, you might notice the healing your inner system has spread for you when you look back over part of your day.
You might realize you did something you didn't used to be able to, without thought and without effort. Your inner system created the change, and it's already so you, like growing muscles, that you might only realize later. That something new happened, without forethought and without effort.
Working with Organic Intelligence increases your inner capacity. Your inner body-mind system starts getting more of its regular tasks done. And it starts having more energy and time left for your conscious level tasks.
You'll consciously begin to notice healing changes in retrospect, like only noticing muscles have gotten stronger when you happen to use them.
You'll start showing up as yourself more easily and more often, you'll begin to notice a feeling of more wholeness. You'll start showing up more easily day-by-day.
Your resilience will increase, and so will your stress tolerance. You may even notice you've easily done something you'd been struggling to do for a long time.
Your inner body-mind system is unique, and incredibly complex. So are the experiences you've had.
Since your inner system follows the paths it knows best, in the order best suited to your overall healing and abilities, only your inner system "might" be able to hazard a guess.
It is certain that incredibly significant healing changes can show up within a few months, and sometimes even a lot less.
Your inner body-mind system will begin experiencing benefits right away. And your noticing conscious-level benefits comes right behind, one your inner system has spread its healing far and wide enough for you to notice.
No. Unlike muscles that become strong or weak depending on how much you use them, the positive changes your inner system makes with the help of Organic Intelligence will be permanent.
Your own inner body-mind system has decided it is now safe to rebuild and begin spreading healing change along freed up paths. In each new area, it has decided that the past is passed.
You don't even need to keep doing Organic Intelligence sessions to keep the benefits your system gives you. They're entirely yours, forever.
Organic Intelligence pairs well with other healing modalities. It requires no conscious effort, and it supports your inner body-mind system at very low levels, so it is likely that working with Organic Intelligence will bolster the effectiveness of other healing modalities.
If you're especially concerned, please check with your mental health and/or medical providers. And feel free to share Lisa's contact information with them. She is always happy to provide more details.
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